To be good at what you do as an organization, certain things need to be in alignment. Whether your organization is in the healthcare industry, retail, or a service-based niche, your ultimate business goal is to serve your customer or client as effectively as possible. To do so, you must master the art of maximizing…
Read MoreHistorically, patients would see a family doctor and stick with that physician out of loyalty, familiarity, and maintaining multi-generational relationships. Unfortunately, that model is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Today’s patients are opting for choosing physicians based on online reviews, which is leading to healthcare consumerism. In our modern, digital-everything society, consumers are…
Read MoreTelehealth is quickly emerging as a promising new technology that is being widely accepted by both patients and providers. Not only are advances in telemedicine allowing providers to reach underserved populations and improve the experience of care for patients, but also patients are finding it more convenient and comfortable to interact with the healthcare industry…
Read MoreYour human resource planning and strategy is the way to make sure your company culture fit your business’s mission and goals. At John Lynch & Associates, we know our employees are the foundation of our success and the best way to serve our clients is to have happy employees. We nurture a high-impact, supportive culture…
Read MoreAs the CEO of John Lynch & Associates, 2019 brought immense clarity, several surprises, and ground-breaking opportunities – not only for us as a consulting company in the healthcare industry, but also for our clients who aim to provide the utmost quality care for patients. In the year to come, the healthcare industry in the…
Read MoreAs we wrap up the year, we are truly humbled and grateful for our clients. Without each of you, we simply would not be here! We thought it would be fun to ask some questions of our staff and give you a deeper glimpse into who we are as individuals and as a team! Enjoy!!…
Read MoreOne Touch Telehealth and John Lynch & Associates team up to further advance healthcare with virtual telehealth solutions that empower organizations to have their own solution in minutes. John Lynch & Associates is pleased to announce that One Touch Telehealth, a leading provider of virtual telehealth solutions, has partnered with John Lynch & Associates as…
Read MoreAt John Lynch & Associates, we take pride in the relationships we have built since inception. Because of these relationships, our company continues to grow. Meet Heather! Heather Goodnight-Brown was a Florida native for 39 years before moving to upstate New York in 2010. She spent her youth on the back of a horse, either…
Read MoreThe healthcare industry is powered by some of the most brilliant minds in our country – men and women who have spent their lives researching and studying health for the sake of improving patient lives. Simultaneously, pioneers in technology have advanced healthcare in terms of speed, accuracy, and accessibility. However, while we are building the…
Read MoreThe word “innovation” means many things to many different people in various industries. However, what I believe we all can agree on is that innovation represents the changes that need to happen in order for us as a society to progress. At John Lynch & Associates, we refer to this as transformative innovation, which is…
Read MoreIn our modern, constantly-shifting society, we often find ourselves constantly looking to the future of healthcare information technologies. What is to come? How will advances in healthcare IT affect care? How are we going to make the shift as smooth as possible? However, at John Lynch & Associates, my colleagues and I often find that…
Read MoreThe landscape of how patients are engaging with healthcare providers and organizations is drastically changing. Patients are now actively playing a larger role in managing their health, resulting in a consumer-focused shift in the healthcare industry. This shift is causing healthcare providers to evaluate their marketing efforts, in particular, their marketing plan in order to…
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