Wrapping up Quarter 1 at John Lynch & Associates

March 24, 2020

As we wrap up the first quarter of 2020, we want to express what an honor and privilege it is to serve our clients and build fruitful partnerships. We thought there was no better way to end Q1 with a glimpse on what’s going on here at John Lynch & Associates. Enjoy!

1. What have you accomplished in this first quarter?

John: Focusing on our current customers to ensure we are performing at the level they desire, and need is a continually emphasis for me. I enjoy the relationships we create and the successes our team shares with our customers.

Katie: We have kicked off the year with some great new clients and continued with some incredible existing clients. We continue to progress and grow internally; expand our consultants’ knowledge and serve our clients with exceptional service.

Jaime: A big accomplishment I am wrapping up in Q1 (and very excited to launch) is a telehealth marketing campaign. Our team has worked tirelessly laying out the entire campaign from start to finish. It was definitely a labor of love.

2. Small wins create big momentum. What are some smalls wins you plan to accomplish in Q2 of 2020?

Jaime: My small win is really a much more larger ongoing personal growth goal. I have asked a close friend that I admire to be my mentor. I am looking forward to this journey and the instrumental impact it will have in my life.

Týr: Small wins can often be the cornerstone of effective change management activities. This coming quarter I plan to leverage small wins within a Change Team setting in order to drive some of the larger activities to come.

Jordan: In Q2 I’m hoping to improve the efficiency of our cloud storage workflows to streamline the processes of completing collaborative projects.

3. What successes have you helped your clients experience?

Katie: Change Management has been a huge focus this first quarter. Ensuring that hard work and focus is continually managed and aligned with our client organization’s strategic goals.

Týr: The highest calling of any leader is the growth and development of people. I have been fortunate enough this quarter to be able to teach and lead a mid-sized group of people into thinking and performing as a higher-level leader.

Madison: My role is not always external client facing, however my clients each day are the executives at John Lynch & Associates. I do keep things running internally on our insights processes and in turn, sharing our industry knowledge with clients! I also take the tedious, little tasks off the executive team’s plates to free them up to take on bigger tasks ~ like growing the company and our client relationships!

4. What was a new habit or routine you created this quarter that has improved your efficiencies at work?

John: The endless battle of becoming well organized and more efficient. I’m adjusting my weekly schedule to block out specific times to ensure I’m working on the most important items without interruption so I can become more efficient and impactful.

Katie: I have been focusing on creating and expanding my Atomic Habits this first quarter and will continue into the second. Small steps repeat patterns and behaviors create significant change. Think about this – if you start small – say 15 minutes per day focused on a change or habit – consistently done throughout the year means you will have completed 91.25 hours of that habit by the end of the year. How incredible is that??

Jaime: A new habit I have developed is moving my notes from paper and going digital. I do occasionally keep a notepad by my side for quick thoughts I want to jot down or if I don’t want to walk around the office with my laptop (oh, did I mention that I am a ‘doodler’ by nature as well?)

Týr: As a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt I am constantly searching for ways to increase efficiency in all areas of my life. A routine I use regularly to accomplish this is structured self-reflection. I build in time during my day to search for non-value-added activities, reflect on ways to improve communication, and plan.

Madison: Waking up earlier and giving myself more time to fully wake up. Taking my time to get ready and enjoying at least 1 cup of coffee before my work day starts allows me to start the day off strong and with a positive tone.

Jordan: I started keeping track of important pieces of information for the IT department monthly briefing in a notebook throughout the month which has made the final creation and distribution process more efficient.

5. What simple pleasures have you especially enjoyed this quarter?

John: I’ve enjoyed my quiet reading time working through a devotional with my wife.

Katie: A tough workout and some great coffee followed by quiet time each morning to plan and prioritize my day!

Jaime: Every morning there is a fresh pot of coffee when I get to the office compliments of Madison. And thanks to Katie – it is the GOOD kind of coffee!

Týr: One of my favorite simple pleasures is waking up early to read a book and an enjoy some life-giving espresso. It always sets my day off on the right foot and helps me mentally prepare for what is to come.

Madison: This quarter my simple pleasure I have especially enjoyed is reminiscing about old times. Like when that picture on Facebook pops up from 7 years ago, love that stuff!

Jordan: Getting sushi for lunch on Mondays!

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