Your Guide to Developing an EHR Optimization Strategy

November 28, 2023

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have significantly improved the healthcare industry in several ways bringing about positive changes in patient care, operational efficiency, and overall healthcare management. EHRs also serve as a foundational tool for achieving the broader goals of healthcare organizations such as financial performance and strategic decision-making that position them for success in the future.

So, is your EHR system holding you back from achieving your organizational goals? This happens more than you think. All too often, healthcare professionals find that their EHR system does not perform as they expected.

One common reason for this issue could be that a healthcare practice adopted a cookie-cutter EHR solution for quick implementation. Another reason could be an ineffective EHR implementation resulting in additional improvements needed to achieve the desired workflow and efficiency outcomes. Regardless of the reason, successful implementation and ongoing optimization of EHR systems are key elements in realizing these benefits and achieving organizational objectives.

In previous insights, we have discussed the steps to a successful IT project implementation and how to overcome top EHR implementation challenges. This insight dives into optimization of your EHR systems, more specifically, how to develop an optimization strategy.

What exactly is EHR optimization? EHR optimization is the process of fine tuning an EHR system to better meet the needs of healthcare organizations, healthcare providers, and patients. Optimization of your EHR involves a range of activities that include workflow analysis, template customization, increasing interoperability, enhancing usability, ensuring compliance and so on.

There are a variety of benefits to optimizing your EHR such as:

  • Improved patient care & patient engagement
  • Enhanced efficiency, streamlined workflows
  • Improved communication & clinical decision-making
  • Increased data analytics
  • Ensured compliance with regulatory requirements

If your EHR system has fallen short of expectations or your return-on-investment goals, then you need an EHR optimization strategy. Having a well-defined strategy in place drives profitability while dramatically improving physician satisfaction and patient outcomes.

EHR optimization strategy

Developing Your EHR Optimization Strategy

What is an EHR Optimization Strategy?

An EHR optimization strategy refers to a systematic approach to improving the functionality, usability, and effectiveness of an existing EHR system within your healthcare organization. Your strategy should include identifying pain points, setting goals, implementing changes, and continuously evaluating and refining your system to enhance its performance and benefits.

Creating an EHR optimization strategy involves several key steps to ensure the successful improvement of your EHR system and processes. The steps provided are intended to serve as a basic template. As you draft your plans, keep in mind that your strategy should be tailored to the unique needs of your organization.  Let’s get started.

1. Conduct Assessment & Identify Pain Points

The first step is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current EHR system and its usage within the organization including functionality, workflows, and user experiences. Identify pain points, areas of inefficiency, and limitations that need improvement.

Your assessment should also involve gathering feedback from EHR users, including clinicians, nurses, administrators, and support staff. Depending on what improvements you want to make, you may need to gather additional feedback from your patients as well. Document your findings.

2. Define Optimization Goals

Clearly define your optimization goals based on the information gathered from your assessment. These goals should address the identified pain points and align with your organization’s overall objectives.

Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, goals may include improving clinical workflows, enhancing patient safety, reducing documentation burden, or increasing interoperability. Ensure the goals are aligned with the organization’s overall strategic objectives.

3. Form an Optimization Team

Assemble a cross-functional team that includes representatives from various departments, such as clinical staff, IT administration and quality improvement. This team will drive the optimization efforts, provide diverse perspectives, and ensure a collaborative approach. Assign roles and responsibilities to team members based on their expertise and organizational influence.

Assemble a multidisciplinary team that includes representatives from various departments, such as clinical staff, IT, administration, and quality improvement. Include a superuser and a physician champion to round out your team.

4. Prioritize Areas of Improvement

Prioritize the identified pain points and optimization goals based on their impact, feasibility, and urgency. Consider factors such as resource availability, time constraints, and potential benefits.

This prioritization will help focus resources and efforts on the most critical areas that yield the highest return on investment. Develop a roadmap that outlines that order and timeline for addressing each pain point.

5. Engage EHR Vendors and IT Support

Collaborate with the EHR vendor and IT support team to explore potential solutions for optimization. Schedule meetings with vendor representatives to discuss identified issues, seek their input, and explore available features, upgrades, or customizations that can address the optimization goals.

6. Workflow Analysis and Redesign

Analyze current clinical and administrative workflows related to the EHR system. Identify bottlenecks, redundancies, and opportunities for improvement. Engage end-users in this process to gather insights and incorporate their feedback.

Redesign workflows to optimize EHR usage, streamline processes, and improve efficiency. Ensure that the redesigned workflows are well-documented and communicated to all stakeholders.

7. Enhance Training and Support

Provide comprehensive training to EHR users to ensure they are proficient in using the system and aware of any new optimization. Develop training materials, conduct workshops, and offer ongoing support to address questions and concerns.

Empower superusers with each department to provide local support and serve as liaisons between end-users and the optimization team. Encourage continuous learning and provide resources for self-paced learning.

8. Monitor & Measure Progress

Establish metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your optimization efforts. Track progress regularly and monitor the impact of the implemented changes.

Collect feedback from users to assess satisfaction levels and identify further areas of improvement. Use data analytics and reporting tools to gain insights into system usage, efficiency, and patient outcomes. Make data-driven decisions to guide further optimization efforts.

9. Continuous Improvement & Evaluation

EHR optimization is an ongoing process. Continuously gather feedback, conduct periodic assessments, and refine your optimization strategy based on evolving needs and technological advancements.

Stay up to date with industry trends and best practices to identify new opportunities for optimization. Foster a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, encouraging all stakeholders to contribute ideas and feedback.

In Conclusion

Remember, EHR optimization is a collaborative effort that requires strong leadership, effective communication, and engagement from all stakeholders. By following these steps, you can create a well-rounded EHR optimization strategy that leads to improved user experiences, enhanced efficiency, and better patient outcomes.

With decades of experience guiding hospitals and practices of all sizes with the optimization process, our EHR consulting services deliver proven strategies that drive system adoption, improved clinical workflows, and return on investment for your healthcare organization.

For more information on how we can assist with your EHR needs, contact us at 623.980.8018 or by email at or simply fill out the form below:

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