Author Archives: klynch

How IT Solutions & Workflow Improvements Can Help Reduce Suicide Rates

By Katie Lynch | June 19, 2018

Suicide. It is a heavy word. It weighs on your heart and your mind in a way that few other words do. Worse, child suicide is something altogether unthinkable. Yet, tragically, the child suicide rate has been steadily climbing since 2007. As a mother of a 10-year-old boy, I find this gut-wrenching. As parents, role…

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The Responsibilities & Challenges of Merging Patient Quality Care & IT Leadership

By John Lynch | June 12, 2018

Do you remember the days when technology seemed like the most inhuman modern marvel in the world? But now, in 2018, you rely on technology to stay connected to the people who you care about and who care about you, to document joyful memories with your family, and to get you out of a pinch…

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Reduce Patient Wait Times Through Workflow Improvements

By Katie Lynch | June 5, 2018

What is the number one, sure-fire way to decrease morale, plummet patient satisfaction ratings, and generally make someone feel like you really do not care about them? Make them wait indefinitely. Ever since the Veterans Health Administration scandal of 2014, the phrase “wait time” has taken on a dark connotation. Prior to the scandal, wait…

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month: How Mental Illness Impacts Families

By Echo Miranda | May 23, 2018

I remember visiting the World Trade Center with my family when I was 19 or 20 years old. We rode up past the 100th floor and enjoyed sushi with an amazing view at the Windows on the World restaurant. After dinner and the stomach lurching ride down the elevator, we wandered in the courtyard between…

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Vertical & Horizontal Integration: One True Compass to Bring Physical & Behavioral Health Care Together

By Katie Lynch | May 8, 2018

“Integration” is one of those sneaky words that appears in almost every discussion about healthcare. And in every application, it seems to be used in a new way. But it is not the speaker’s fault. The confusion is rooted in the word itself and how it relates to our complex healthcare systems. In truth, there…

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Integrated Care: The Challenges of Harmonizing Physical & Behavioral Health Treatment

By Katie Lynch | April 26, 2018

As consultants, it is our job to sleuth out the underlying problems and find creative ways to marry healthcare and technology that not only feel natural for our clients, but also adhere to the marathon list of regulations and guidelines for our industry. As companies embrace electronic healthcare record (EHR) systems and work tirelessly to…

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Five Tips for Reducing Legal Risk: Improve Communication and Documentation

By Echo Miranda | April 10, 2018

In 2016, there were a total of 11,095 medical malpractice payments issued, 40% of which were valued at over $250,000 each[1]. According to a study conducted by the Health Affairs organization, roughly 60% of those lawsuits were dropped by the plaintiff[2]. However, the damage of a lawsuit extends far beyond the number of dollars paid….

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Practice to the Top of Your License

By Echo Miranda | February 28, 2018

Charles-Guillaume Etienne is credited with the oft-used quote “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. I admit that I might be a tiny bit controlling. Okay – maybe more than a tiny bit. But only in most areas of my life. I remember my young daughters coming into the kitchen, wanting to help…

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Proven Methods for NextGen Success

By John Lynch & Associates | August 11, 2016

Success comes from training right and working hard! Reach your fullest potential with NextGen using our proven methods! “Action is the foundational key to all success!” – Pablo Picasso

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For the love of our clients…

By Katie Lynch | July 19, 2016

Jumping into the consulting world was definitely a new experience for me and while I have been at it now for many years, there are still times that without a client that I am dedicated to, I actually feel lost. It’s not your typical consulting role that I took on – my husband and I…

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NextGen’s Population Health

By John Lynch & Associates | January 12, 2016

The Federal Government is moving from volume-based payer reimbursements to value-based compensation. Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and Accountable Care Organization (ACO) models place the responsibility upon the practice to manage the overall health and well-being of the patient in order to reduce the number of illness-based visits. With this comes greater responsibility towards coordination…

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