Author Archives: klynch

When Everything is on Fire: Part 3 – How High-Performing Organizations Approach a Healthcare IT Project

By Dustin Miranda | March 26, 2019

If you have been following parts 1 and 2 of our 3-part series on healthcare IT project implementation, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point. Frankly, taking on the responsibility of shifting the mindset of your leadership team, then creating new systems for measuring success, planning, and communication is no easy feat. Yet, the end…

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When Everything is on Fire: Part 2 – The 3 Critical Strategies to a Successful Healthcare IT Project

By Dustin Miranda | March 19, 2019

Last week, I discussed the most critical factors to consider when embarking on a healthcare IT project. If I made it sound like a grave, dire situation, good – it is. Healthcare IT projects are massive endeavors that require commitment, fortitude, and dedication because, ultimately, they impact the lives of the patients we serve. However,…

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When Everything is on Fire: Part 1 – Preparing for a Successful Healthcare IT Project

By Dustin Miranda | March 13, 2019

In the healthcare industry, failure is not an option. In the best of circumstances, medical professionals as well as administrators give their all every day to help members of their communities live healthy, fulfilling lives. In the worst of circumstances, these same community heroes strive to mitigate risk, save lives, and improve quality of life…

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Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month: One Veteran’s Story of Unexpected Survival

By Katie Lynch | March 5, 2019

The human body is both incredibly resilient and devastatingly fragile. The wrong bump on the head in just the right place can lead to a caustic brain injury. And yet, individual fortitude can overcome even the most terrifying injury. One of the most rewarding aspects of working in the healthcare industry is hearing the success…

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EHR Project Management: Reducing Pain with Strong Techniques

By Brookelynn Williams | February 26, 2019

Healthcare IT projects are daunting. Healthcare organizations notoriously postpone initiating large-scale projects – despite knowing how critical such upgrades are to an organization’s success and infrastructure – due to the vast scope and potential for overwhelm with such a project. Yet, with the right project management techniques, we have been able to guide our clients…

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Quadruple Aim: The Missing Element for Optimal Outcomes

By John Lynch | February 19, 2019

Physicians Thomas Bodenheimer and Christine Sinsky said it perfectly: The Triple Aim is “a compass to optimize health system performance.” The long-admired Triple Aim encompasses three principles: enhancing patient experience, improving population health, and reducing costs. However, time and time again, healthcare organizations have observed that attempts to create the Triple Aim were falling short….

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The Voice of Healthcare IT: A 5-Step Leadership Process

By John Lynch | February 6, 2019

We live in a dichotomous age: On the one hand technology is a massively powerful tool that has allowed us to accomplish large-scale goals in record times. On the other hand, it is an absolute necessity that must be maintained delicately to ensure operations can continue. A balance between these two roles is particularly difficult…

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Electronic Health Records: How Small Issues Cause Major Problems

By Katie Lynch | January 30, 2019

Throughout 2018, my team and I at John Lynch & Associates noticed a trend: healthcare organizations are struggling with major issues that could have been avoided had they addressed small issues with their electronic health records early on. I often work with clients who come to us initially because they have started to see major…

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National Health Insurance Companies Are the New Architects of Technology in Healthcare

By Dustin Miranda | January 15, 2019

In the United States, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and other federal agencies are typically seen as the entities responsible for mandating what quality care looks like and how we measure it. However, due to the lengthy legislative and bureaucratic process, federal agencies always lag behind real-time trends. Those trends are far…

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Healthcare & IT Trends to Watch in 2019

By John Lynch | January 8, 2019

As we enter 2019 refreshed from holiday celebrations, there is a shared eagerness for the canvas of opportunity the New Year offers. To kick off the year, I invite you to consider some of the major healthcare IT trends when setting your organizational goals. While healthcare policies may be slow to evolve, technology is changing rapidly….

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Reflecting Back, Looking Forward

By John & Katie Lynch | December 26, 2018

Throughout 2018, our team at John Lynch & Associates was reminded again and again of why we do the work we do. The men and women we work with, the healthcare facilities we have the privilege of supporting, and the patients we ultimately impact are our enduring why. The past year brought us many new challenges…

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Embracing Change: Preparation for 2019 HIPAA Compliance

By Dustin Miranda | December 18, 2018

With the New Year just around the corner, we are all thinking about new goals we want to achieve and resolutions we want to keep. While you are making plans to improve your health, your relationships, and your work-life balance, think also about how you would like to improve the world of healthcare. As healthcare…

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