Author Archives: klynch

American Diabetes Month: NextGen EHR Tips

By Echo Miranda | November 6, 2018

October is American Diabetes Month. As we enter into the holiday season, give thanks for the blessings we have been fortunate enough to enjoy, and show our love for those around us, we also encourage you to think about your own health and the health of those closest to you. Type II Diabetes is a…

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The New RBHA: AHCCCS Changes & How to Adapt

By Dustin Miranda | October 30, 2018

Earlier this month we were all facing a predicament. Arizona’s RBHA became the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Complete Care Program, which was scheduled to go live on October 1st. However, for five grueling days after the new program was active, some healthcare providers were still lacking the information they needed to code…

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How to Avoid Another IT Project Failure

By John Lynch | October 16, 2018

You have likely heard the myth that humans only use 10 percent of their potential brain power. Thankfully, scientists have debunked that myth in recent years, but the concept is alarming. What if it were true? What if we truly only had access to 10 percent of our potential? The thought is disturbing and leaves…

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RBHA Changes: Preparing for the Road Ahead without a Map

By Dustin Miranda | October 8, 2018

Update to Original Blog Post | October 5, 2018: Since this article was written most, if not all, healthcare delivery organizations should have received fully executed contracts with all of the AHCCCS Complete Care payers. The time for rapid cycle updates and implementation is upon us. And while some of the reporting requirements and metrics…

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How We CAN Move from Fee-for-Service to Value-Based Reimbursement

By Dustin Miranda | August 21, 2018

There are some things in life that we look at and say, “We should change that. The world would be so much better if we would all just do X, Y, Z.” Our healthcare system is a common focus of such comments. While I am grateful that so many people recognize the need for change…

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NextGen Tips: How to Improve Immunizations & Community Health

By Echo Miranda | August 14, 2018

August is National Immunization Month and it is back-to-school season for most schools around the country. While we are all busy with collecting school supplies, finishing our back-to-school clothes shopping, and preparing mentally and emotionally to send our little ones back to the halls of learning, it can be easy to overlook immunizations. Luckily, healthcare…

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Prepare for the Back-to-School Physical Exam Rush with These 6 EHR Workflows

By Katie Lynch | August 7, 2018

Back-to-school season is a busy time for everyone. Teachers are whipping their classrooms into shape, parents are getting their children equipped to excel, and physicians are trying to juggle the mad rush of back-to-school physicals, vaccinations, and boosters. Thankfully, the NextGen electronic health record solution has several simple workflows to streamline back-to-school checkups and maximize…

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Our New Head of Marketing: Meet Jaime Boxley-Dunagan

By Jaime Dunagan | July 31, 2018

Going from a marketing management role in the commercial and residential real estate world to freelance graphic design, I have been fortunate enough to explore the online marketing world from many angles. John Lynch & Associates Jaime Dunagan and daughterTransitioning to a freelance role was a true blessing. It allowed me the freedom to work…

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Challenges & Solutions for Healing Native American Healthcare

By John Lynch | July 24, 2018

Growing up just off the reservation in Wisconsin, I began noticing deficiencies in Native American healthcare at an early age. Seeing family and friends struggling to take care of themselves and access the proper healthcare to combat issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and amputation, I was inspired to make changes in my personal life…

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Technology Saves Lives: 7 Ways Healthcare CIOs Can Up Their Game

By John Lynch | July 17, 2018

In our modern, click-of-a-button world, the healthcare industry relies on technology to process data, maintain accurate records, and facilitate communication across the entire treatment team. That is why healthcare facilities must have a capable Chief Information Officer (CIO) or IT Director at the helm. Healthcare CIOs must be able to navigate the fast-paced, challenging world…

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UV Health Month: Building Better Relationships with Patients & Preventative Care Workflows

By Echo Miranda | July 10, 2018

One of the things I love about UV Health Month is that it gives us an opportunity to look to the future and think long-term about how we are taking care of ourselves, our families, and the patients we ultimately serve. Everyday we watch what we eat to maintain a healthy weight, try to get…

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Executive Stress: The Powerful Connection Between Organizational Productivity & Self-Care

By John Lynch | June 26, 2018

We are in the business of patient care. Yet our own care for ourselves often falls short. Sometimes to the detriment of our companies. As I have been an executive in healthcare and at John Lynch & Associates, I have experienced first-hand how the amount of work, activities, responsibilities, and stressful situations can build on…

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